
    “Confession Of A Murder” (내가 살인범이다): A Dilemma Between Justice and RevengeConfession Of A Murder

    Despite its success in Korea, this movie remains relatively unknown to most foreigners. However, it’s a film with an incredible story and unexpected twists that I highly recommend to all of you.

    “Confession Of A Murder” opens with the appearance of Lee Doo-seok, the perpetrator of a serial murder case that went unsolved 15 years ago. He publishes a book confessing his crimes, becoming a bestseller and transforming himself into a celebrity. However, the families of the victims, filled with anger, seek to punish him. Meanwhile, Detective Choi Hyung-goo strives to bring Lee Doo-seok to justice through legal means.

    The film unfolds centered around the confrontation between Lee Doo-seok and Choi Hyung-goo. Lee Doo-seok confesses to his crimes, while simultaneously using the suffering of the victims’ families to gain public sympathy. Choi Hyung-goo believes in the rule of law, but at the same time understands the anger of the victims’ families.

    The film maintains suspense through unexpected twists. Lee Doo-seok’s true motives and Choi Hyung-goo’s hidden secrets are gradually revealed, causing the audience to waver between justice and revenge.

    Stellar Performances

    “Confession Of A Murder” shines even brighter thanks to the outstanding performances of its cast. Jung Jae-young flawlessly embodies the character of Lee Doo-seok, showcasing his charisma and evil deeds simultaneously. Park Shi-hoo sensitively portrays the role of Choi Hyung-goo, conveying his sense of justice and inner turmoil. Kim Young-ae delivers a powerful performance as a victim’s family member, evoking the audience’s sadness and anger.

    I’ve actually watched this movie about 10 times myself. Particularly, the twist in the latter part of the movie is truly shocking. If you haven’t seen it yet, I strongly recommend watching it tonight with popcorn and beer by your side.

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